IvyHill is a creative communications and integrated marketing agency that helps ambitious brands grow their message in a way that makes sense for them

Our mission is to empower brands to tell their stories with clarity, creativity, and confidence. Simple enough, right?

We help small-to-medium sized businesses, industry disruptors, and nonprofits bridge the gap between how they are trying to engage with their target audience and what their audience actually thinks about them.

We specialize in:

-crafting integrated marketing and PR solutions

-developing tailored creative assets like video

-improving brand messaging and strategy

-creating stronger community connections, on and offline

-seamlessly helping you behind the scenes

We believe in holistic solutions. That means looking at all the options for improving things and seeing what makes sense for you.

Our Leadership

Amber Krasinski

Founder & Creative Strategist

Amber (she/her) is a proud New Englander with a passion for creativity in all its forms.

With over a decade in video production, communications, and advocacy, Amber knows what it takes to build audiences and get results. Some of her accomplishments include accidentally filming a baby's first steps at a client shoot, managing the communications for a multimillion dollar nonprofit, and getting an article referencing Dungeons and Dragons featured on business blog read by over 40,000 people.

She has a Master’s in Strategic Communications & Public Relations, a certificate in political campaign management, a certificate in content marketing, and a Bachelor’s degree in Film Studies. She has spoken internationally and within the U.S. about topics related to social media, branding, media literacy, production, and community building.

At IvyHill, Amber’s work centers on strategically connecting clients and the public, mixing traditional and emerging media tactics for improved outcomes. She oversees all creative asset development, marketing strategy, business development, and IvyHill's network of partners.

Favorite quote: “I am deliberate and afraid of nothing” –Audre Lorde

Amber Krasinski - red hair woman with brown glasses and pink lipstick wearing a black blazer and smiling

IvyHill has a dedicated group of partners we team up with to support our efforts, the majority of whom identify as women, non-binary, BIPOC and/or LGBTQIA+.

We bring on the right project members to make sure things get done in an agile way.

Contact us at [email protected]