Strategy + Creativity + Organization = Results

The best way to establish trust with someone is to build a strong connection.

We lead you through a well-defined process to:

  • gain a better understanding of your core values, story, and goals

  • delve into the root of your brand communication challenges

  • refine your objectives and processes

  • formulate a game plan with the right team in place

  • make it come to life and keep you going!

You provide your vision, objectives, and insights about your business. 

We provide you structure, strategy, creativity, and the wisdom of experts. 

Together, we’ll achieve tangible results and grow your message collaboratively.

What We Offer

Strategy Support & Planning

You're doing some things to build your audience and would love to have a fresh set of eyes give you feedback or guidance.

1-1 Consulting Sessions - $260 for one/$500 for two

Ideal for brands who need individualized strategy and consulting to help them break through.

Here's what you get:

  • 60-minute call focused on up to two of the following:

    - getting comfortable in front of the camera

    - refining your messaging

    - feedback and planning for upcoming content

    - brainstorming how to build your network, including new strategic partners, referral opportunities, and press angles

    • Access to transcribed call recordings and organized notes

  • Reflection activities for improving your brand, content, strategy, or reputation

  • Weekly accountability checklist and check-ins

  • Access to extra support through IvyHill's à la carte services

**Custom consulting packages are also available for select corporations, nonprofits, and businesses. In special cases, we can act as your fractional Chief Communications Officer or Chief Marketing Officer.

Thrive Together Group Sessions - $97/month

Ideal for brands who need group accountability, strategy and feedback to help them break through. Sign-up required in advance for group sessions.

Here's what you get:

  • Two 60-minute group calls each month focused one of the following:

    - refining your brand messaging

    - working through issues reaching your audience

    - identifying new ways to engage with your ideal customers, on and offline

    - updates to current communications or marketing plan, including potential campaign ideas

    - feedback on current content and improvements for future content

    - planning for upcoming content development activities, including video and photo shoot concepts

    - identifying timelines and weekly activities for moving the needle on your growing your brand's presence and reputation

    - brainstorming how to build your network, including new strategic partners, referral opportunities, and press angles

    • Live feedback and coaching

    • Access to transcribed call recordings and notes

  • Recommendations and reflection activities for improving your brand, content, or reputation

  • 15 minutes of independent, focused worktime

  • 10 minutes of networking or strategic connection building

  • Weekly accountability checklist and check-ins

  • Access to extra support through IvyHill's à la carte services

Gettin' It Done

You've hit a ceiling with how many things you can get done in your day, your week, your month...or even your year.

(Yes, that was a Friends reference.)

Full Service Support

You need help growing your message and audience. Luckily, we have solutions and expertise.

We offer full service, monthly communications support defined by our processes, your goals, and how much help you need.

This typically looks like:

  • Two 30-minute calls per month

  • Weekly check-in scorecard and action items

  • Brand strategy and activation assistance

  • Public relations strategy and support

  • Monthly content strategy and scheduling recommendations

  • Team training and best practice development for content

  • Project management

You can also check out our à la carte services and add-ons for an extra boost!

À la carte Services & Add-Ons

"But what if I need help with something specific?"

Not to worry! We also offer select done-for-you services. These services are great for busy businesses, agencies, and professionals to offload those extra tasks that are bogging you down.

Pricing depends on what you need and when you need it by. Just ask for our rate sheet!

We have a well vetted network of professionals and freelancers that we team up with depending on project size and needs. Your growth doesn't have to stop because you feel stuck!

This includes:

Brand Tasks

  • Branding and logos

  • Visual Identity development and feedback

  • Brand guidelines

  • Brand messaging and pitch refinement

  • Brand photography, including lifestyle, headshots, and products

  • Marketing strategy

  • Project management and organizational support

Content Tasks

  • Content calendars

  • Graphic design assistance

  • Social media management

  • Copywriting and content development

  • Blogs and newsletters

  • Short form video edits, including social media Reels

  • Podcast development

Technical Tasks

  • Website audits and recommendations

  • Website design

  • SEO assistance

  • Website development

  • Paid ads and media buying

  • Google Analytics

  • CRMs

  • Email marketing

PR Tasks

  • PR and Strategic Communications planning

  • Strategic partnership development

  • Reputation management

  • PR campaign support, including events and activations

  • Pitching and media list development

  • Crisis communications

  • PR assistance support for agencies and PR professionals

You tell us what you need and we'll make it happen.

Brand Video Production

For folks who just want to some done-for-you professional video that tells your brand story, we got you covered. 

Pricing is dependent on project deliverables and timelines. We tailor our brand video packages to meet your needs, including traveling to you!

So what's a package look like? Here's an example:

  • 60-minute Kickstart Call with production planning

  • Private video shoot in-person

  • 2 minute Brand Story Video

  • Five :15-:30 second soundbite Reels

  • Visual Strategy Guide

  • Ten B-Roll Clips from your shoot to create your own Reels

  • 1-1 On Camera Interview and media training (optional)

  • Audience Engagement & Video Strategy Guide (optional)

Other options include event videos, speaking engagement recaps, webinar edits, and guidance on creating your own videos!

Get Your Ship Together Program

Need some direction on how to move ahead and are ready to roll up your sleeves? Time to Get Your Ship Together!

Get Your Ship Together - Setting Sail

**Starting at $597/month with $200 deposit (optional add-on: CRM)

Perfect for growing companies who want to build a stronger brand message, level up their content, refine their marketing strategies, develop quality partnerships, and create a better reputation.

This is a 4 month intensive program. (Some folks do this longer than others depending on the support they need!) We act as your guide. You get the tools and support you need to start moving your brand in a new direction.

So how does this work?

  1. We start off with an intake form to identify where your biggest priorities are

  2. We do a 60-minute kickoff call.

  3. We deep dive into each of the following areas step by step:

  • brand strategy, differentiation, and messaging

  • content and marketing strategy (including social media)

  • partnerships and reputation

Here's what you get:

  • 60-minute kickoff call

  • Assistance with developing or refining a Brand Communications and Marketing Plan

  • Resources, reflections, and how-to tutorials for improving your brand messaging, content, marketing strategy, and reputation

  • Templates for graphics, content calendars, and videos

  • Content feedback and recommendations

  • Two 1-1 60-minute strategy meetings per month after month 1

  • Weekly accountability checklist and check-ins

  • Project management support

  • Access to monthly "Office Hours with Amber" calls

  • Reduced pricing for Thrive Together group program

  • Access to an exclusive Q&A form for help, feedback, and questions (24 hour response time)

  • Priority access to extra support through IvyHill's à la carte services

Get Your Ship Together - Full Steam Ahead

**Starting at $5,800 with $500 deposit (optional add-ons: CRM & discounted 1-1 strategy meetings for one year)

Note: there is a payment plan available for this option.

Perfect for growing companies who need to kick it into high gear, but have a limited amount of time to do it or a wicked busy schedule.

This is a one-day intensive with the option of 1-1 strategy meetings over the subsequent months. We act as your guide. You get the tools and support you need to start moving your brand in a new direction. We get you and your team on track in just a few hours.

So how does this work?

  1. We start off with an intake form to identify where your biggest priorities are.

  2. We decide if we're doing our training in person or virtually.

  3. We do the training and deep dive into each of the following areas step by step over the course of six hours:

  • brand strategy, differentiation, and messaging

  • content and marketing strategy (including social media)

  • partnerships and reputation

Here's what you get:

  • Full day 1-1 training on-site or virtually over 3-4 meetings

  • Updated Brand Communications and Marketing Plan (one day turnaround)

  • Resources, reflections, and how-to tutorials for improving your brand messaging, content, marketing, and reputation

  • Templates for graphics, content calendars, and videos

  • Content feedback and recommendations

  • Weekly accountability check-ins for 1 year

  • Access to monthly "Office Hours with Amber" calls

  • Reduced pricing for Thrive Together group program

  • Access to an exclusive Q&A form for help and questions (24 hour response time)

  • Priority access to extra support through IvyHill's à la carte services

Our Process

#1 Collaborate

We'll conduct an assessment of the difficulties you're encountering, the strategies you've tested, your observations, and your desired outcomes. This entails examining aspects such as business goals, media coverage, website user experience, customer satisfaction, competitors, social media metrics, and your overall mindset. Understanding your mission, values, and goals is key.

#2 Construct

This is the initial planning stage of our work. During this phase, we conduct an in-depth exploration of our client's target audiences, understanding their preferences and interests. We leverage this research in conjunction with your valuable insights to craft a comprehensive communication strategy and systems. The biggest impact comes from the best planning.

#3 Connect

This is where the rubber hits the road. We set things in motion by activating your networks and tapping into ours! We build on strategies and tactics to assist our clients in connecting more effectively. Together, we cultivate new partnerships and fortify existing ones. We provide you with a clear roadmap and adapt the approach to optimize your communications.

Contact us at [email protected]